Death's Door

By Stephanie Van Ekeris

21st Century

I walk the hallway
Of one thousand tears
One thousand screams
Monsters lingering
Amongst forbidden shadows
Heading for the door
Bolted, chained and locked
Sitting in the puddle
Where one thousand drips
Once dropped
Waiting for a call
To hear someone want me back
Just one last time
Bleeding mascara eyes
Pale body of scars
Wanting darkness
Where true meaning lies
Groping in nothingness
Nothing to hold to
For even my imaginary friend
Has left me
Needing so badly
To break through that door
Trying to bend
Silver metal bars
One thousand names etched
Of many once here
Taking the knife
Slid under the door
A black invitation
To join the feast of lost souls
Slitting my wrists
Crimson drips drop
Writing my final page of life
In my mental journal
I observe the hallway
Of one thousand tears
One thousand screams
Sitting at the door
Bolted, chained and locked
Sitting in the puddle
Where one thousand drips
Once dropped
Closed mascara eyes
Shattered heart stopped
Creatures feast
On open wounds
Dieing and crying all alone
Lieing on cold tile floor
After many depressed hours
Death finally opened the door...

Copyright 2004 Stephanie Van Ekeris. All rights reserved.

DayPoems Poem No. 2780
<a href="">Death's Door by Stephanie Van Ekeris</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection,
Timothy Bovee, editor

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